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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Once again, I have no idea what to type...no actually, I have LOTTSA WORK TO DO!!!!!
My blogskin is too PINK!!!
Think I'll change it to D.N Angel when I have the time. (wonder when that'll be)
Ok, I have swimming too, like Ni-chan, but the crappin thing was:

When I went swimming, I DIDN'T want to wear my bikini (not that I like it or anything. I'm just happy to wear SOMETHING when I play in the luscious water) so Okaa-chan lent me her spare swimsuit. I was glad.
Little did I know. (hahaha!!!)

Anyway, when I put it on at home, I took a quick glance in the mirror and went out (of course with my uniform on, boobs!---Gee, where did THAT come from?)
So when I went to the Swimming Complex yadda yadda yadda, we had to play 80 damn cents (I'm just angry)and when I finally took out my uniform, I discovered something horribly wrong.
THERE WAS THIS GIANT HOLE AT MY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CAN'T BELIEVE I didn't even notice such a HUMONGOUS hole!!!
I must be blond or something.
The only reason why I realized it was because...I can't remember who asked me whether there was a hole at my back.
As if that wasn't enough, the swimsuit was too loose and I had to constantly pull it up or else people could see ...
And I spent like 1/4 of the lesson doing that.

Otherwise, it was pretty enjoyable (since I'm a Water Maiden WHO CAN'T SWIM!!!) and I realy liked the water...
Just that I could hardly see the waters' pretty shimmer and dazzle of the the raidant sunlight.
It was SO pretty when I wore my glasses again, like a huge diamond of something, reflecting the sun's rays. Ohh...the dappled sunlight water...
Shimmering and sparkling...


I hope I've got more time soon.
Can't even chat with my daughter...much less Ni-chan! ><

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


"Wow...everytime I watch this Anime, there wukk be this warm feeling in my heart...so sweet. Especially the Time Alone With Aoi-chan parts.It's so sweet...I wonder if I'd ever be able to tell someone: "Daisuki" but if i wanna be a Mangaka, i guess i'll have to sacrifice that kind of relationship."

(Ep 2)


(Ep 3)


Hmmm...ever wanted to know how I felt when I read Manga? (no, of course you don't)
But anyway, I'm just gonna post it there.
NOTE: This symtoms are post commenly seen/felt when I read Ouran Koukou Housto Kurabu as it's the only Manga I read (hehehe...)
When I hold the Manga:
1) My stomach will start twisting, swirling, turning and doing flip-jacks.

When I read the Manga:
1) An odd urge to scream will swell up in my chest but hover around my throat and not escape.
2) Another weird urge to cry and my eyes will feel swollen. But nothing comes out. It's as if something's blocking the tears...
3) A shortness of breath.
4) After a while, all those strong conflicting emotions will swell up in my chest and stab my heart. It's really agonizing.
5) Finally, I will put the Manga down and try to breathe properly again.
LOL...no really!
I'm not joking! This is really how I feel.
I can swear to Manga, Anime and my Father God.
That's why sometimes reading Manga is such an agony to me.
Especially when I read those with SUCH Exceeeeeeeeeeeelant Artworks, my heart will ache SO bad!!! >< I feel like it's gonna kill me sometimes yeah...

Another quirk when I read Manga.

***Sometimes when I read Manga and the storyline just gets increasingly interesting and constantly leaves me at tenterhooks (yeah, like the current volume of Ouran in Singapore...KAORU SHOUTED at HIKARU!!! I thought I would die of suspence...that's why I decided not to wait for another blasted 2 months and read one.manga tomorrow instead...)) I will rush several pages and in the end, I dun now why, but I will flip back all the pages and gaze at the Art again. Like for 1 to 2 minutes. Every single page... Maybe that's why I'm taking FOREVER to read the Manga my darling Daughter lends me...***

When Kaoru shouted at Hikaru, I thought my heart would break. I NEVER felt SO much emotion when I was reading any Book and Manga.
I think when I see them reunite, I will cry.
And OMGosh...Tama-chan was in a loincloth!!!!!!
Looks like a Sumo's outfit!!!
Thank God that Bisco-sama didn't draw him from the back...
That...would have...been...so........
When I first saw that picture, I was in school.
I banged my head on the table to stop myself from spluttering with laughter.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I'm back again with nothing much to say.
Man...tomorrow have to go to that Chinese Cultural thingy in school and it's like TOTALLY WASTING MY TIME!!!
Jeez. Seriously, does Take Why? always have to take away our Edusave money for events such meaningless as these?
Okay...I admit.
I don't find the program entirely meaningless...at least I would learn SOMETHING.
But I would be alone...and that sucks.
Hmph. I would rather follow my Okaa-san to the hos for the check-up.
These are the things she would ask the sense-- I mean doctor:
1) You said that I would recover in one week. It's been one week already; why am I still in pain?
2) Why are there so many holes?
3) Why is my stomach so bloated and big? (Me: I swear it was as flat as a pancake!!!)
4) Why do I feel a 'hard thing' floating/moving about in my stomach? (More pain on the right side)
NOTE: Okaa-san described the feeling as something hanging loosely in her tummy and whenever she moves, it rubs against her stomach walls. Something like...you know when you each veggies? Sometimes they get stuck in your throat and they are like hanging there(ugh!). Yeah...something like that.
5) Why is it so painful that I have to hold my stomach when I walk?
6) There are rashes on my back? (Caused by what?)
7) Back aching ALOT
8) Did you leave any other things inside besides the mesh? How sure? Do I need to take an X-ray.
I'm rather anxious for the last question's answer...

Do you guys find this boring?
Sigh...what can I say?
I'm a boring person...
I get fired up with FIERY PASSION whenever I talk about Manga though. Seiyuus and Anime have to same effect but whenever I talk about Anime, it will soon go back to Manga and Seiyuus.
What an awesome country.

Oh yeah. My plan about drawing can up pretty well.
It took me ONE WHOLE BLASTED DAY JUST to draw a face...with hair.
Something possesed me when I was drawing and caused me to erase a very valuable line on the left side of the face: the cheek.
Took me hours to get it right again.
Haha!!! ^^
What a lousy artist I am.
But somehow...I really hope the picture will come out right.
I'll post it soon...

I think.


Saturday, March 8, 2008

I've have it with people becoming better than me at EVERYTHING!
I wasn't good in anything, but now it's worse than before!
Draw...I NEED to draw.
...But WHAT???!!!
By drawing sucks shit!
These are some:

I...I need to draw like those again.
E-even better...but how?
Gwaahhhhhhh................................God, I wish you'd answer me directly this time.

And like...WOW (OO)
Ni-chan's drawing is SPLENDID!!!!!!!
If she ever changes her mind and becomes a Mangaka instead, ... bye bye me! Haha....
Never mind.
I know she wouldn't do that.
But even if her heart desires it, who am I to change?
So I'd just wish her all the best, then.
UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............................becoming pessimistic again. That's bad, very bad...
Anyway, Mummy has her opp and I tell you, those bloody so-called doctors were using her as a Guinea Pig!!!
She's already in intense pain and they still wanna using TRAINEE NURSES!!!!
My advice to you people out there: "DON'T EVER GO TO NUH TO PERFORM OPERATIONS"
By Mummy was supposed to get 3 TINY holes in her tummy.
Now she has 8 ones.
Some BIG!!!!
And when the nurses transfered her to a new ward, they treated her like someone who had entered his Last-Breath.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............If I were there, I'd MURDER em'.
I'm sharing with you guys a special picture.
Hika-chan and Kao-chan in panda suits! Kawaii nesu ne~~???!!!


Friday, March 7, 2008

...which turned out to be a slight disaster.

Wow...I really must be some kinda idiot!
*clears throat*
Okay...maybe I don't know how to do anything fancy with my bloggie unlike the great Hime-chan...but at least I could rearrange my details properly?
...Oh nooo~~~♪♪♪
I couldn't and now it's messed up.
Ugh, luckily I didn't do anymore or there'd be a whole chunk of crap!
EWWW!!!!!!! Imgaining a piece of shit hanging from your computer...my...THAT would REALLY be disturbing...
Yoshi...hope after Ni-chan reads this post, she could help me...(Sighs...she's SUCH a genious!!!) \(><)/
I can't post much. I have to go now...
♪Bai Bai~~!!!!♪

(And for some reason, I can't post any pictures on my Blog. Hen.......)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

If I ever saw a Gimblewolf, I will go: "Kyaaaaaaaaa~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!", scoop it up in my arms, and probably get my head bitten off.
But so what?
Gimblewolf cubs are just UBER-DUBER KAWAIIII!!!!!!!!!!~~!~!!!

Okay. Hello!
I am back!
It's been long since my last post. I guess I didn't have much time.
Now most of my free time, instead of using the comp, i use the PSP.
I mean...seriously.
I always work and work...even when I use the computer, I do research.
So why not have fun?
Radiant Mythology and Brave Story - A New Traveller TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!!!
For those who play the PSP, do try it out; it's really fun!

You could watch 'Brave Story' too!
Eh? What's that language?
Never mind.
I do have some friends now!
Yogeswari and Ling Huey!
Wait...did I mention them in the last post? Oh well.
I think Teck Whye loves to grub money and time.
I mind the money cuz my parents slogged their guts out for it.
And the time?

Anyway, I'm totally 'Ferret-crazy'!!!!!!
That's all for now. Gotta off the comp'.
Yeah...used it "illegally" haha!


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Name: Rei
Race: Artist





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